We can prepare/assist in the preparation of financials that are required to be part of an offer document. We also have relevant experience in the preparation of consolidated/combined / Pro-forma / carve-out financial statements. We can help evaluate your financial readiness for a listing.

We also have relevant experience in the preparation of consolidated/combined / Pro-forma / carve-out financial statements.

We assist businesses at each stage of a listing process:


  •    Assessing an entity’s readiness in terms of systems, processes, and internal controls
  •    Where needed, assist in improving the entity’s accounting process, tightening its internal controls, improving operational efficiency, addressing problems, and resolving issues that may affect the listing; and
  •    Assessing the most tax-efficient listing structure

During the process of Listing:

  •    Preparation of financial and non-financial data required in the offering; and
  •    Assistance in preparation of offering documents
  •    Assistance in responding to regulatory queries
  •    Acting as reporting accountants during the offering, reviewing the profit and working capital forecasts as well as other relevant documents

After the Listing:

  •    Advice on corporate governance, accounting, and regulatory changes as a post-mortem